Người vợ hải cẩu

Người vợ hải cẩu Tượng hải cẩu bằng đồng và thép không gỉ này của Kópakonan (Người vợ hải cẩu) được tạo ra bởi Hans Pauli Olsen và được đặt tại Cảng Mikladal...

Kid Stories - The Colony Of Cats

Kid Stories - The Colony Of Cats    Long, long ago, as far back as the time when animals spoke, there lived a community of cats in a deserted house they had taken possessio...

Kid Stories: Peach Bo

 Kid Stories: Peach Bo   Once upon a time in Japan, there lived in the country an old man and his wife. They were very lonely because they had no children.   One...

Kid Stories: The Story Of The Yara

Kid Stories: The Story Of The Yara   Down in the south, where the sun shines so hotly that everything and everybody sleeps all day, and even the great forests seem silent, ex...

The Golden Goose - Kid Stoies

 The Golden Goose -  Kid Stoies   There was a man who had three sons, the youngest of whom was called the Simpleton, and was despised, laughed at, and neglected, on every ...

The Hare And The Tortoise.

 The Hare And The Tortoise. In the forest there was a clearing where all the animals gathered each evening after going to the river to drink. The tortoise was usually t...

The Happy Prince

  The Happy Prince   HIGH above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for ey...

The Fisherman's Son

The Fisherman's Son Along time ago, when impossible things were possible, there was a fisherman and his son. One day when the fisherman hauled in his net he fou...